The Semi-Autonomous Institution (LSO) Republic Sport Of Law (REPSOL)
Saturday, October 14, 2023
REPSOL FH UMJ 3rd Place in National Level Futsal Competition
- October 6, 2023
By :
Fazri Maulana
REPSOL UMJ Wins Third Place in National Level Futsal Competition Organized by Atma Jaya University, Wednesday (4/9/23)
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The competition will take place from 2 to 4 October 2023. There are 8 universities participating in this tournament, including Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, University of Indonesia, Pancasila University, Pakuan University, Jayabaya University, Pelita Harapan University, Atma Jaya University, and Trisakti University.
Deputy Dean II M. Rusdi Daud, SH., MH., really appreciated the achievements, he said that the Faculty always provides support for academic and non-academic activities.
“We support the institution and assist with its operations. "Because, study is not only academic activities but also non-academic activities, such as arts, sports and other skills that support academics," concluded Rusdi when met in the room.
Faris Nurfathony, Chair of REPSOL, hopes that this achievement can continue to contribute to achievements to the University and Faculty. "We must be able to prove that the Faculty of Law is not lagging behind in terms of sports," he said.
FH UMJ is a Semi-Autonomous Institution which is overseen by BEM FH UMJ
and operates in the field of sports (non-academic).
Editor: Dian Fauzalia